Azuzel entered the door to Satan’s chambers with a bleeding heart. Over the past couple of millennia he’d lost count of a number of times he’d visited Satan’s office, his human killing formula in hand, hope of getting approval sky high, only to get politely declined...

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The responsibility for destroying apartheid and liberating our country rests with our people. The persistent tyranny of the apartheid system, which had often been proclaimed by its architects as a variant of fascism...

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After all the avenues to reach a peaceful agreement on Ukraine conflict, Russians have finally realised that the conflict is not going to end if Zelensky is still in power...

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It was not us, it was the Ukrainian leadership who announced they would not hold any talks. Moreover, the incumbent Ukrainian President signed a corresponding decree prohibiting any talks. This is why I understand your concerns, share them, and of course we are ready to consider any of your proposals. But we never rejected talks – it was the Ukrainian side, they even published a decree. What do they want from us?

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As long the poor still respect the rich, humanity will never be emancipateable from modern-day slavery called capitalism. This is a foreword from the book: Big Business and Hitler on how the Rothschilds (who own 100% of the Western world’s corporate sector and banking system) made Adolf Hitler, supported him and later pretended to hate him when it became convenient to do so...

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"The CIA has grown use to overthrowing governments and they got away with it again when Kennedy was killed...It’s time to do what President Kennedy wanted to do: Break them up and make them accountable to the rule of law under our Constitution. And while you’re at it, let’s break up the central banks and end the Fed, too..."- Ben Garrison...

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Now that the ANC government has pulled out of his vaccination genocide of Black people; the same monster is now trying to starve Black people to death with food price hikes in South Africa...

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In September 2022, a military coup occurred in Burkina Faso, and in January the new government demanded French troops leave the country… The protesters carried the flags of Burkina Faso and Russia… The demonstrators shouted the slogans, "France – out!" and "Long live Putin and Russia!"

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Oral tradition traces the founder of the Buthelezi tribe to a Sotho herbalist who came to Zululand before the time of King Senzangakhona. This man had the reputation to...

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His conduct constitutes not only contempt for the Public Protector’s office but also a serious violation of the Constitution of South Africa. As a self-proclaimed author of the same Constitution Ramaphosa should know...

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The EU is sinking into recession... food shortages are steadily emerging, and gas and oil prices are through-the-roof...sanctions have not only failed, but backfired spectacularly....

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Ramaphosa had 14 working days to provide detailed responses and records to the alleged robbery on February 9 2020 of $4 million (R60 million) said to have been concealed in couches at his game farm in...

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In South Africa they call themselves British English people, in France they are...

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Wheeling and dealing? The writer reveals that if former President Jacob Zuma was like him,...  

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I remember early last year, one of my mentors and I...

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Before you know more about the Illuminati, this information will assist you...

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  •  2018/09/01 00:00

In celebrating Mandela's 100 year centenary, we republish this analysis by Andile Mngxitama written back in 2016 about state capture. In the picture below Nelson Mandela shares a joke with the late Anton Rupert, a white businessman. The writer is exploring why it was convenient for Mandela to forge relationships with White Monopoly Capital but on the other hand when Zuma became friends with Indian businessmen linked to BRICS capital the Guptas, all of a sudden there was a lot of noise countrywide. During the publication of this article there was immense pressure from the opposition for the impeachment of former President Jacob Zuma following a Constitutional Court judgement against him and the writer is asking the same question why Mandela was not pressurized by the opposition to resign when it find him guilty of the same charge in 1995. It appears that Mandela also discussed the appointment of Tito Mboweni as Governor of the Reserve Bank with certain white businessmen but the apartheid media also went quiet about this…

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[Side Note: The African National Congress today, which is currently the ruling party in South Africa is in the ICU...

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[Ken Adachi ‘s Note: One of the reasons I never use the word "Jew" to refer to the machinations of Zionists is because not all Jews are party...

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Why you know nothing about all these black inventors is thanks to Black Matrix: A Perception Management Program to Control...

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When you are a beneficiary of slavery and colonisation...

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As I said, we can solve the over-population problem quickly…

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Right now politicians are all out there trying to get that elusive vote of yours...

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Young and gifted producer Robby 'Insimbi' Malinga has done others more albums than himself in his...

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If Staying Power was a person in the music industry, Bheki Ngcobo, also known by stage name Ihhashi Elimhlophe would...

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Noma sesiside isikhathi uMzansi Afrika uzithokozisa ngomculo we-Afro-Jazz,...

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New Afro-Soul sensation Lira has arrived and South African Afro-Soul fans dig her music. However,...

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You don't always need to hold the microphone and sing to make a living in the music industry This time around Sbu Ngubane...

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Several music groups have failed to stand the test of time, yet the Lord Comforters have managed to defy this scourge...

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It is common knowledge that cutting a kwaito album is as easy as 123. But it is equally true that cooking a kwaito...

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Life hasn’t been that rosy for Deborah Fraser lately. Although the gospel diva is currently enjoying a steady success...

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It has been a year now since Sfiso passed away and to many gospel fans it still feels like it happened yesterday. Once again we remember him...

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Noma selubikwe kakhulu udaba lobu ndingasithebeni...

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  •  2024/05/31 00:07

Lenyanga yaseVosloo ihluba udlubu ekhasini ngezimfihlo zemimoya engamathongo. Kuyini ukuthwasa, yini inzunza, silwane sini inkanyamba, dlozi lini umndawo, imimoya engabehluleli nokulimaza kwayo abantu abangathumeki... 66. 06MB

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  •  2024/05/29 14:25

Our message to South Africans on the rigging of national elections 2024... 16 MB

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  •  2024/04/19 16:17

The Edomite script about destroying black people... They start by experimenting with African-Americans first before they unleash their economic destruction madness in South Africa. Listen to Dr Umar Johnson here and tell us whether you are not familiar with this economic script. Edomites are up against anything that could make black people economically independent and a black politician affiliated to a political party, according to Umar Johnson, is the most dangerous weapon in this economic genocide of black people. Learn how this diabolic plan is executed with Satanic precision.

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  •  2024/04/01 10:49

KRS 1: "WE CAN SPEAK LIKE THEM... But they can't speak like us..." What can you speak like but it can't speak back like yourself? An animal... 7. 59MB 7. 59MB

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  •  2024/04/01 10:40

LAWRENCE 'KRS 1' PARKER... On a Babylonian Brotherhood system that targets wise and powerful black men for humiliation... This system in South African is currently killing thousands of black men in in the country with Economic Depression via unemployment, overpriced food, expensive cost of travelling through escalating fuel hikes. A litre of petrol in South Africa currently costs R24. 78. This is 93 octane. 95 octane is priced at R25. 12, which is a quarter of a hundred rand. In South Africa fuel, like internet data, is the most expensive commodity in the world. If you look at these commodities, they are the most basic need of human survival in general. Why South Africa? This country's mineral wealth is what keeps the Western economy humming along, the US dollar and the British pound where it is in market value, so it's important to keep the majority of its indigenous people poor and dependent on a repressive regime with social grant to keep exploiting it. This economic depression is also designed to limit personal interaction between black people so that they can not get together to discuss their political problems and find solutions. Everything must be said on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Gmail, WhatApp or through cellphones, CIA platforms and devices that they can easily intercept to neutralise any potential revolution before it happens. This is a silent genocide that is going on South Africa as we speak and all they have to do is to bribe the mainstream media with advertising revenue to keep it invisible. In many parts of the country railway tracks were destroyed during Covid lockdown in 2020 and to this day trains are still not travelling for this purpose, until, obviously, a certain number of economic black economic depression deaths is reached. For this reason many black people who had piece jobs in factories situated several kilometres away from their homes have lost their jobs due to the high cost of using minibus taxis travelling to work. If this is not genocide, will somebody tell us what it is? Somebody has been raising funds for the minibus taxi industry through this diabolical scheme, as for what purpose, the symptoms are beginning to show now. Somebody is trying to start a black on black civil war through the minibus taxi industry. In the East Rand in Johannesburg, where a depopulation genocide program was launched by the apartheid regime through the same minibus taxi industry in the early 90s to minimise the sizeable number of black people before the first so called democratic elections in 1994, taxi killings have started. Very conveniently on the eve of the national elections once again like in the early 90's. Townships in the East Rand are one of many black areas where train travelling was disrupted since the Covid lockdowns, when railways for trains were uprooted, stolen and electricity cable systems vandalised in what looked like a well organised crime to destroy South Africa's economy and prevent black people from travelling to work. There were many breadwinners of black people who were feeding their families by selling snacks, cigarettes and vegetables in the trains who became dependent on a R350 so called social relief grant after this. The objective here was to render black people dependent on a regime that oppresses them for survival so that they can vote for it this year May the 29th. The minibus taxi industry became the only means of workers commuting to and from work and it proved too expensive to use compared to trains. This was designed to lay down many workers from work to give way to Artificial Intelligence, also knows as 4th Industrial Revolution to replace them in the factories. If this is not genocide, will somebody tell us what it is? Economic Depression lead to many social ills and destabilisation of family structures including gender based violence, divorces, femicide and rapes. SABC, eTV, DStv and the whole mainstream media, including newspapers, do not miss an opportunity to report these cases, without mentioning the root causes, just to promote them as a normal situation in South Africa that deserves no analysis because its black people people killing each other, which 'should' be normalised.. Its root cause is the topic the mainstream media don't want to talk about because industrialists, also known as white monopoly capitalists in South Africa own it through advertising revenue. The industrialist memo is very clear to the mainstream media: "Sell black on black violence as something inherently natural for black people to do and leave failures of our economic system out of it. Don't ever mention our failures in creating job opportunities for black people and stealing of their land as the root cause." As a result SABC news bulletins concentrate on the symptoms of black social ills in South Africa without linking them to the mother of all problems in the Western world; capitalism and its failure to uplift black people. 14. 00MB

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  •  2024/03/27 19:22

NGALE-PODCAST KANGIZWE MCHUNU: Sisakhumbula ingqalabutho yomsakazi woKhozi FM osanda kusishiya emhlabeni uBheka Mchunu. Kuningi nathi okusivelele kusukela ngezi-15 kwephezulu, esikholelwa ukuthi inhloso yako, kokunye, bekuwuvimba ukuthi singaphawuli kakhulu ngodaba lokuhamba kukaBeekay emhlabeni. Nizokhumbula ukuthi siphawule kakhulu ngokuhamba kwenkakha yowayengumsakazi kuMhlobo weNene uKCI August ezinyangeni ezimbalwa ezedlule. Sibabaza ukubhuqabhuqeka kwabasakazi abanohlonze kwa-SABC. Kukhona elabababela iqiniso esalikhuluma ngokwesweleka kukaKCI. Kulelizwe kumele kuthulwe nje noma siyibona impi yomshoshaphansi icanda abantu besilisa abamnyama buthule ezweni ngokhwantalala lwezomnotho, ukuxoshwa njalo emisebenzini ngezindlela ezimnyama nalobubhudubhudu bokufaka abesifazane abamnyama ezikhundleni zamadoda ngenhloso yokuqhatha. Siyaphinda fuhi siyasho, kuwubulungiswa ukuthi umuntu aqashwe emsebenzini ngenxa yamava akhe, kodwa kuwukuqhatha abantu ngokobulili ukufaka umutnu emsebenzini ngoba ngokobulili. Yiko lokhu okuyimbangeka yokubulawa kwabantu besifazane kangaka amadoda ezweni ngoba kukhona esebebabona njengamasela antshintsha umsebenzi wendoda emnyama. Sakubalula phambilini ukuthi wumuntu wesifazane lo owasetshenziswa ukuhlukumeza uKCI August kuMhlobo weNene waze wahamba. Laphaya kuMhlobo weNene uyaziwa lo muntu wesifazane. Wavuma ukusetshenziswa njengebhawodi lokukhomba uKCI indlela, into uNgizwe athi akavumanga ukuthi ayenziswe ziphathimandla ngoTshatha. Namanje laphaya oKhozini FM kuhleli isingqongqo sabantu besifazane kwezokuphatha, abanye abangakaze basebenze njengabasakazi empilweni yabo phambilini. Ungaqeqesha kanjani ebholweni ungakaze walikhahlela ibhola? Uma kufanele baphathe abesifazane asali, abahlale ezikhundleni zabo kwaSABC. Kodwa ohleli ekuphatheni ngenxa yalokuhlelo lokhuqhatha abantu abanyamba okuthiwa yi-Women Empowerment, yiphutha lelo. OKhozini selehle kakhulu izinga nesasasa lalomsakazo selo kwaqwashwa abaphathi ngohlelo lweWomen Empowerment. Okushiwo wuNgizwe ngabaphathi beSABC kulePodcast kuyashaqisa ngoba siye sithi uma sigxeka uSABC ngokwakha kuthiwe siqhutshwa amazondo, kodwa namhlanje nangu uNgizwe uyasifakazeka ukuthi uphushwa kanjani umshikashika wokuxoshisa abasebenzi kwaSABC abaphathi bakhona abaqhatha abasakazi okwamabhunu ngesikhathi sobandlululo efemini ayethi abasebenzi abamnyama abagadane bodwa ngokobuhlanga: "Ngoba nina Mathize-thize awanifuni aMathize-thize la efemini." La bathakathi abaqotha abantu ezweni ngendlala basizondela ukuthi sinethoshi esikwazi ukubabona ngalo ebumnyameni uma bendiza ngemishanelo. Ayikho into ebuhlungu njengokubona umuntu omnyama edicilela phansi umuntu omnyama. Kuyanyanyisa ngoba kusihlekanisa nezizwe. Noma engezwani kanjani umlungu nomlungu wakubo, ngisho amaNdiya imbala, awusoze ubabone bekuvezela umuntu omnyama lokho. Kodwa ngaso sonke isikhathi la kuxatshanwa khona kukhalwa ngomuntu omnyama ohlukumeza umuntu wakubo. Enagbe kwakhala nyonini kulesizukulwane sikaJakobe? Noma selilambe kanjani ibhubesi, awusoze walibona lidla ibhubesi lakubo. Ngisho inja imbala le ekhonkothayo, iwudla wonke udoti lo ewuthola esigangeni, kodwa awusoze uhlangane nayo idla ithambo lenja yakubo. Umuntu omnyama kuphela, kuzo zonke izidalwa ezikhona emhlabeni kaYah onesibindi nongenamahloni okuhlafuna umuntu wakubo. Yingakho namanje sibukeleka phansi ukwedlula zonke izidalwa ezihamba ngezinyawo ezimbili emhlabeni ngoba kulula ukusiqhatha sodwa. Namanje kubukwa thina njengoba kuyiwa okhethweni nje. La ezinkundleni zokuxhumana kuniphuzana thina kakhulu kunezinye izizwe. Zonke ezinye iziwe eMzansi zizovotela iqembu elilodwa kakhulu, kodwa angaphezulu kwamashumi amabili amaqembu sikhuluma nje asememfuke njengoqhibukhowe ukuze ahlakaze ivoti lomuntu omnyama. Nathi sikhuluma nje sivikana nomuntu omnyama ongazi ukuthi usifunani ngoba asimtshotshelanga mhlaba wakhe nazinkomo. Wesaba izizwe ezimhlukumezayo uhubhana nomuntu ohlupheka njengaye. Ukugula ngekhanda lokhu. Kwakusidalwa sini nlesi esidla sisdalwa esifana naso kuphela. Yingulube kuphela opkuthiwa kuthi uma nisilambe ngempela idle abantabayo, kodwa nanamhlanje asinabo ubufakazi balesi sisaga. Ubufakazi esinabo kunamanje ukuthi wumuntu omnyama kuphela emhlabeni ongenamahloni okuhubhana nomntu wakubo. Mhlawumbe sikhona isifundo muntu omnyama ongasicoshacosha kulePodcast kaNgizwe, uzizwele ukuthi uma ungu-darkie okhaliphile usetshenziswa kanjani umuntu wakini omnyama ukuthi akudicilele phansi. Nabu ubufakazi... Buya Khrestu uzolanda ibandla lakho ubhubhise zonke izingane zikaSathane lezi esezithe chithi saka umhlaba wonke. Inani lenzalo kaJehovah emhlabeni limi ku-1, 08 billion yabantu. Lokhu kuchanza ukuthi kulo-7 billion okuthiwa yinani lesibalo sabantu abakhona emhlabeni, u-5, 92 billion wonke ngowesende likaSathane. Kuningi nje kuyaphithizela emhlabeni. 72. 08MB

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  •  2024/03/04 13:22

This lecture is dedicated to the African disciples of European colonisers. When we say somebody is trying to wipe out the Zulu nation in KZN and you think we are bluffing, watch this footage to the end. Everything a British coloniser thinks about is wiping out the aboriginal people of the land and whitening the country... Depopulation program is currently taking place in South Africa but no one wants to see it because the SABC does not want to talk about it. After the dismal failure of the vaccination genocide, their new strategy now is to kill black people with economic depression and overpriced food. If you still don't understand, THIS IS GENOCIDE BY FAMINE. It is going on out there and right in the middle of this genocide all a black person thinks about is voting in May! What kind of a person doesn't see that he/she is being killed in broad daylight! As for the KZN government boasting about sponsoring 4000 people to get Drivers Licenses we ask this question to MEC Sipho Hlomuka: “Where have you been over the last 5 years? Haven't you heard about the arrival of the 6G?” We were told 5G was created to stream movies but its real job has turned out to be prying into our computer systems via Wi-Fi facilities and steal information through graphic cards and chipsets. 6G is here to enable cars, ships, trucks, aeroplanes and trains to be driven remotely without the help of a human driver, pilot or sailor. That's why many heavy duty trucks today drive on automatic transmissions. Since 2013 trucks driving on automatic transmission were shipped into the country in huge numbers. Like small cars they can even be set to drive on cruise and lower their speed through bumper sensors. Artificial intelligence enables about 5 people to sit in one station in a warehouse and remotely drive up to 20 forklifts at once as if they were playing a video game. In a warehouse that used to employ 20 or more human forklift drivers before. Cellphone banking recently phased out thousands of teller jobs from the banks. ATMs also did the same thing to many tellers many years ago. It's called 4th Industrial Revolution and your government comes before elections and pretends as if Artificial Intelligence doesn't exist so that you can vote for them come elections. Human driven vehicles are being phased out fast in the freight industry and your government is still sponsoring people to take driver's licenses as a job opportunity creation drive? This means if you don't get land within the next five years from now you will die of hunger because industrialists have no jobs for human beings anymore!!! Particularly for a race this lecture proves beyond reasonable doubt they have been trying to exterminate since the dawn of time!!! #SiyinkingaIsithaSikuhlanganyelaNomuntuWakiniOmethembayo 19. 01MB

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  •  2024/02/29 19:32

SPIRITUALITY: WHAT'S IN THE NAME? Brother Yahu and Sister DeborahYah Yisrael are back with a very important question: “What's in the name?” And the answer will shock you. You re suffering because you don't want to return to your Father Yah. What you see happening to Kunta Kinte in this footage is what black political leaders in South Africa have been doing to Izazi's Sbu Ngubane since 2017 to appease their slave masters. They use one slave to abuse and torture another slave. Even women, children and foreign nationals are used to abuse Sbu Ngubane by political leaders who appear on TV asking for you to vote for them on the 29th of May. It must be a comfortable journey riding on our backs for 29 years. For your information; all the messages you have heard from Izazi since 2017 have been written in captivity. Like Paul, I, Sbu Ngubane have delivered those messages to you straight from jail. They no longer lock you up in a formal penitentiary. They destroy your job and business, force you out of your own home and render you financially helpless so that you end up as a tenant dependant on donations for survival. They want you out there as a tenant so that they can pay your landlord to abuse you. This is exactly what they were predicting when they created a sitcom called Sdumo in 1989; to tell a black man that twenty years later, many of you will be jobless dependents. The main character named Sdumo in this comedy was ironically called imbungulu (a leech) as a jobless tenant who was struggling to pay rent. He rented a backyard room from a female landlord known as Sis May. With this sitcom the Edomites were forecasting a political plan they had hatched about a black man's future after Mandela's release from jail the following year. That: “You can have your Mandela that you have been screaming about his release for so many years but in retaliation we Edomites would make sure you lose your job and become dependent on your wife as a jobless man when women empowerment finally knocks you out of the job market." By so doing they were setting up a black woman against a black man for the proverbial battle of the sexes; the prevailing gender based violence and femicide in South Africa. If you speak about the masters of chaos and disorder you speak of an Edomite. “Take the black man's job and give it to a black woman under a politically correct slogan called 'women empowerment' and they will start fighting each other.” The producer of this sitcom was none other than an Edomite woman by the name of Roberta Durrant. If they plan your future as a black person so many years in advance, we shudder to think what plan do they have for you ten years from now while you are busy plotting the destruction of Izazi that are trying to save you. When we say move away from the cities to dwell on the countryside its because we know that when Jesus returns very soon to destroy the Edomites, his main target will be cities that they have built to enslave mankind.

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  •  2024/02/25 13:21

Preacher. Minister, Historian and Watchman Yahu Yisrael proves beyond reasonable doubt that Edomites are not Jews...96. 01MB - HIGHER QUALITY

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  •  2024/01/23 17:21

SATANISM: "I SERVED THE DEVIL FOR 18 YEARS, CAUSED ACCIDENTS, DESTROYED FAMILIES AND HATED MEN..." Initiated by her grandmother at age 8, this compelling testimony is made by Erica Mukisa, who is originally from Uganda but now lives in Kenya, a black woman who went through it all until she was saved by Jesus Christ... Everything you did not know about Satanism: From feminism, women empowerment, spells, wizards, sorcerers, witches, spiritual husbands, causing accidents and why many celebrities die before age 40 etc. etc...

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  •  2023/12/07 09:32

Dr Umar Johnson cast the spotlight on how Black folks keep shooting themselves in the foot in terms of economic and political independence... 56 MB

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All of our lives, we have been taught that Jesus was a blue eyed, blond haired, white man...

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Mnu Mpanza, ayikho into engasiza umuntu ukungena iZulu uma ehluleka ukuqondisisa izwi leNkosi kumaRoma 5: 18 -19...

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Akumangazi ukuthi abenhlangano i-Rights of Cultural, Religious & Linguistic...

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"Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old, he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22: 6). This is a story of God’s work...

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Real Christians were mourning the crucifixion of the Lord Jesus Christ from Friday to this Sunday. So we don’t understand what the...

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Uyiqoba uyayidida Mnguni. UMeya uFelinkosi Sikhakhane akahambe ayofuna isabelomali saseMsinga kuleyobhajethi uMeya we-District uPetros Ngubane ayinikwe wuNdunankulu weSifundazwe uNomusa Dube-Ncube...

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Sekufike isikhathi lapho sibona kufanele makhosi aseNdlunkulu ka Zulu nezizwe eniziholayo siniqwashise manje ngokuthi kuqhubekani ngokubulawa kwenu kwelikaMthaniya. Labo abalandela ucwaningo nokuhlaziya...

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Umuntu wakhekhe kabili. Noma asithi nje uziqu-zimbili. Udonga lolu olugqokile oluyinyama kanye nomoya onguwe qobo lwakho ngaphakathi kwalo kwakhe umuntu...

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Namanje kunezimoto la ematekisini oye uthi uma umbuza umshayeli wayo ukuthi yini umsebenzi waleli khanda likaShembe ewindini lemoto yakhe, athi njengoba enamathisele lona nje emotweni yakhe angeke ivelelwe nayingozi emgwaqeni...Zingaki izimoto ezinesithombe sikaShembe ozithola zishaye amankeyane la ezindleleni, sezitshale nabagibeli onke amaqele lawa?

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Akukho ngxabano ekhona la phakathi kukaMntwana uMisuzulu nenkosi yakwaButhelezi uMangosuthu. Kusaqhutshwa wona nje umkhankaso wokuqhekeza uZulu phakathi…

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INdlunkulu ka Zulu ithi uMntwana uMisuzulu uyahlobonga ngoba unomntwana nengane ezalwa umfowabo kayise uMdlokombane. Kunjalo nje akagcinanga lapho, kuthiwa uphinde wakhulelisa enye futhi ingane eSwatini ezalwa wudadewabo nina...

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Uyingozi kabi umlungu omnyama… Uma ungakabuboni ubufakazi ukuthi iSilo uZwelithini sibulawe obani ebebefuna ukudla isizwe sakhe...

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INdlunkulu ka Zulu icushelwe umgoga Zulu, ayelekelwe mase kunje. Ihlaselwa yiqembu leNkatha...

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Madondo, usuthengiwe ngokubona kwethu. Vele amaJaji athengwa mihla namalanga...

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Osopolitiki Mntwana sebelixove baliqeda elikaMthaniya, abanye ngokwedelela...

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  •  2022/05/26 00:38

UMntwana UThokozani Zulu uthi uMntwana uMisuzulu ubengakufihli ukuthi uyamzonda uyise uMdlokombane ngale ndlela yokuthi kuthiwa wezwakala ngowezi-2016 ethi: "Kanti ufa nini lo ngithathe into yami", esho uyise uMdlokombane. AbaNtwana bathi okwamanje basakha phezulu nje ngamanyundululu kaMntwana uMisuzulu, kuningi kabi okuzigwegwe ngaye abasakugodlile...

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  •  2022/03/20 17:09

Aphi amanga ethu ngemikhuba ka-Iqbal Surve neSolezwe. Ubani okhokhela i-Independent Newspapers ngokufafaza amanga ngeNdlunkulu ka Zulu. Kungabe kuseyiwo umkhuba wamaNdiya adume ngawo lo ukuvikela umnotho wobandlululo umholi wabo uMahatma Ghandi awuthola ngokudayisa ngoZulu kubacindezeli? Kuyaziwa ukuthi ngowe-1879 amaNdiya ayelwa ngasonhlangothini lwamaNgisi empini yaseSandlwana. Wonke lo mnotho awulawulayo kumanje kwelikaMthaniya awunikwa uhulumeni wobandlululo ukuwabonga ngokudayisa kwawo ngamaZulu...Ngo-1906 uGhandi wezwakala emaphephandabeni ebiza abantu abamnyama ngamakhafula. Sinobufakazi obuqanda ikhanda ukuthi u-Iqbal Surve uhlangene nabelugu ukucindezela abashicileli bamaphephandaba abangabantu abamnyama eKZN. Baphi labo nomgogwana adla nabo ku-ANC abebemphikela? Sasho kudalo ukuthi abelungu abazifaki nhlobo izikhangisi emithonjeni yezindaba engahambisani nengcizelo yomuntu omnyama. Aphi amanga ethu? Footage size: 1 .26 MB

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  •  2022/02/22 22:19

Kuvela ukuthi uSomlomo weSishayamthetho sakwaZulu-Natal useyikhulumele eziko eyesinqumo sikaHulumeni ngoMntwana okumele athathe isihlangu sikaMdlokombane...

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  •  2022/02/21 15:19

Usola unyawo lwemfene okaNdaba ngokushintshwa kwesiteshi somsakazo uRadio Zulu igama eliqondene nesizwe esiwumele wabizwa ngoKhozi FM...OkaMdlokombane unxenxa isizwe sikaZulu ukuba sivikele lokho okungamagugu aso kuze kube sekugcineni njengoba zonke iziNgonyama zikaZulu zikhothame zivikele amagugu esizwe... Footage size: 29.6MB

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  •  2020/08/19 00:00

"UMntwana wakwaPhindangene unemihlangano ayibamba inguyazana noMengameli wezwe - akafuni kuhlalwe phansi kuxazululwe izinkinga zeNdlunkulu njengomndeni..." Footage size: 17.2MB

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  •  2020/07/15 00:00

"Inkosi ibekwa yiNdlunkulu, hhayi uNdunankulu wesizwe. UNdunankulu uthatha umyalelo eNdlunkulu, athunywe yiyo ukuthi azise isizwe ukuthi wubani osebekiwe. UNdunankulu ka Zulu akakaze abe namandla okubeka ISilo...lokho angakwenziswa wukwedelela iNdlunkulu..." Footage size: 18.0MB

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  •  2020/06/16 00:00

"Ngokwesiko iSilo singena esibayeni ngokugcotshwa yiNdlunkulu ngaphambi kokuthi ubuNtwana baso bufe sedlulele esigabeni sobuNgonyama. Leso sigaba ayikafiki kuso INdlunkulu selo kukhothame Ongangezwe Lakhe..." Footage size: 4.47MB

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  •  2020/05/13 00:00

Isikhali esisha sokubulala umuntu omnyama namhlanje wukhwantalala... Footage size: 7.67MB

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