By Franklin Jones
Why you know nothing about all these black inventors is thanks to Black Matrix: A Perception Management Program to Control Black People's minds to make them feel inferior...
The Program:
The constant marginalisation of Black populations within white societies is an elaborate psychological warfare program designed to make Black people ashamed of themselves and culture. Whenever a population is made to think less of themselves they are easier to suppress, easier to divide, and ultimately easier to control.
This psychological warfare system was developed many decades ago at the Tavistock Institute of Human Behavior. The Tavistock Institute was founded in London in 1946 with the aid of a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation. The institute praises Dr. Edward Bernays as being its greatest prophet. Bernays was an expert on mass manipulation psychological warfare. He was also an advisor to several US Presidents. The basis of this concept of warfare works by affecting the subconscious minds of Black people using demoralising propaganda. Its weapon is the demoralising message that it carries and the way that it adversely affects the Black population in terms of their behavior.
Here is a basic example of how this system actually works against Black people:
Imagine that a crew of people were out at sea aboard their own massive ship and that it was being followed by another ship. A following ship that was constantly broadcasting derogatory messages to the first mentioned crew.Such messages as that the first crew’s ship was lesser, smaller, not seaworthy, perhaps slowly sinking or that their crew was incompetent. With time, the group receiving the negative messages, being unable to refute or to confirm these derogatory messages and deficiencies will grow weary and paranoid of the negative messages and will eventually come to accept these negative assessments of themselves.
The perception created by the taunting now unconsciously influences how the taunted group perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, hating themselves and, eventually, fighting among themselves.
The taunted group may even become so besieged by deep feelings of inadequacy that they may even jump into the sea and attempt to swim towards the taunting ship now believing it to be superior to their own ship even--if their own ship was in fact better.
This entire process was accomplished by constantly inundating the ship's crew with negative demoralising disinformation about themselves. Its weapon is the negative message that it carries and the way that they adversely affects the targeted crew. Within a real world setting this is precisely what is being done to Black populations by racist whites through the media.
The white media's constant deplorable depiction of Black population that amplifies the negative to the point that it distort reality is much more than just bias media reporting. It’s actually a black racially demoralising psychological warfare program.
(See how much content of rape and violence newspapers aimed at black people carry in South Africa. Perhaps you even think these newspapers are owned by black people because the articles are written by black journalists. You are wrong, they are owned by white people - see the upcoming article by a well experienced journalist coming up entitled: 'Inside the apartheid media's newsroom'Its premise is that the more ashamed of themselves and culture that Black populations are kept, the more self-hating, self-doubting and more compliant they remain white dominated over their lives. This psychological warfare system is the real reason why Black people are constantly living under the umbrella of such defamation of their characters as a group.
Because the ruling white elites control all Black statistics, national narratives, the Black media image, and virtually all societal information that Black people routinely receives, this allows them to negatively control what Black people believes about themselves. This system is deplored like a massive media marketing campaign that constantly subjects Black people to seeing only the fraudulent worst within themselves. It is a system wherein Black people are being manipulated for the benefit of whites.
Within this system fraudulent black racially demoralising disinformation is pumped unrelentingly into the unsuspecting minds of Black populations without them being challenged or counterbalanced by an equal amount of Black racially affirming information. (That'ts why there is so much resistance to the establishment of a 100% black owned media house in South Africa). In time the constant humiliation unconsciously influences how Black populations perceives themselves, subsequently causing them to become distrustful of themselves, doubting themselves, and even hating themselves.
This programming also conveys the subliminal message that Black people are their own worst enemy and therefore needs whites to govern over their lives. Moreover, that Black people should admire, respect, and trust only Whites. This turns the collective frustrations and aggressions of Black people away from their white oppressors inward towards themselves. It also makes many Black people more compliant with white dominance over their lives.
This system is extremely effective because when Black people are presented narratives and statistics from trusted white sources constantly conveying messages that Black people are their own worst enemies and that whites are superior it can be very difficult to resist its implied propaganda programing.
No group can be subjected to seeing only the fraudulent worst about themselves and not be adversely effected. Especially when the propaganda is being told daily and so unrelentingly. It doesn't matter if the information presented is untrue most Black people will act upon it because they have all been given the same information. Those Black people that do not think critically, who do not question the validity of all information being constantly fed into their minds from entirely white sources never notice what is being done to them.
As Frantz Fanon once said: "The oppressed will always believe the worst about themselves."
This system works so well in fact that it not only makes Black people more compliant with white dominance over their lives, it in fact makes many even prefer it. It is at the root of both the profound division and self-hatred now afflicting so many Black people and is at the heart of internalised feelings of superiority that many whites possess.
Meet the father of the internet. Of course you never heard of him because he is from Africa and the mainstream media wouldn’t want to give the “creator of the internet” title to an African American man.
Philip Emeagwali, a Nigerian computer scientist, invented the super computer in 1987. It was his formula that used 65,000 separate computer processors to perform 3.1 billion calculations per second in 1989. That feat led to computer scientists comprehending the capabilities of supercomputers and the practical applications of creating a system that allowed multiple computers to communicate. Philip Emeagwali also invented the accurate weather forecasting system in 1990. He also used his mathematical and computer expertise to develop methods for extracting more petroleum from oil fields.
Despite cultural traumas wrought by the injustice of white racism and slavery, Black people have made significant contributions to society and, indeed, to the world through advances in technology, medicine, science, arts, and the humanities. However, the system of white supremacy is designed to perpetuate the myth of white intellectual superiority even when the technology is coming from the genius minds of Black people.
For black inventors to get their invented technologies mass produced and marketed, they have to go before white companies. These white companies then acquire the rights to these inventions, and then place white faces in front of the technology. This scenario literally allows whites to continue exploiting the intellectual genius of Black people while maintaining the appearance that all technological advancement are the result of white intellectual superiority.
The following is an incomplete list of other Black inventors that you probably haven't heard of:
If you enjoy the internet thank an African American scientist named Emmit McHenry. McHenry created a complex computer code whereby ordinary people can now surf the web or have e-mails without studying computer science. He created what we know today simply as .com.
Jesse Eugene Russell invented digital cellular technology. He was an African American inventor and electrical engineer. He pioneered the field of digital cellular communication in the 1980s through the use of high power linear amplification and low bit rate voice encoding technologies and received a patent in 1992 (US patent #5,084,869) for digital cellular base station design. Jesse Russell holds several patents and a key person to the invention of the modern cell phone.
Dr. Thomas O. Mensah is a Ghanaian born chemical engineer and inventor. Is the inventor of fiber optics and nanotechnology. He was awarded 7 USA and worldwide patents in fiber optics. In all, he has some 14 patents.
Dr. Mark Dean, the Black Inventor/Computer scientist and engineer responsible for developing a number of landmark technologies, including the modern color PC monitor, the Industry Standard in 1981. In 1999, Dean also led a team of programmers to develop one of the stepping stones of modern day computer technology— the first gigahertz chip. The CMOS microprocessor chip is remarkable because it processed a billion calculations and large amounts of data in a second. Dean hold 20 individual patents.
Gerald A Lawson invented the first home video game system with inter changeable cartridges
In 1988 Patricia Bath patented the cataract laserphaco probe that help save the eye sight of millions
Mark Hannah developed the 3D graphics technology that now is used in many major Hollywood movies.
Henry Sampson invented the cellular phone in 1983.
Percy L. Julian invented the process of synthesis which led to the birth control pill and improvement in cortisone production.
G.T. Sampson invented the clothes drier in 1892.
George R. Carruthers invented the ultra-violent camera spectrograph
The first open heart surgery was performed by Dr. Daniel Hale Williams
In 1885, two Black inventors, L S. Burridge and N.R. Marsham, invented the typewriter
J. Gregory invented the motor
Six African Americans scientists helped in the making of the first atomic bomb.
One was J. Ernest Wilkins, one of the world’s leading mathematicians who earned his PhD at the age of seventeen.
Alexander Miles invented the Elevator and safety devices for elevator, Patent no 371,207
Alice Parker, a Black woman, is credited with inventing the heating furnace in 1919 which provided central heating.Dr Shirley Jackson is a theoretical physicist and she was the first black woman to receive a Ph.D. from MIT, in 1973. While working at Bell Laboratories, she conducted breakthrough basic scientific research that gave boost to other inventors to invent the portable fax, touch tone telephone, solar cells, fiber optic cables, and the technology behind caller ID and call waiting that we enjoy today.
Garret A. Morgan invented the automatic traffic signal and the gas mask.
Edmond Berger invented the spark plug.
Dr. Charles Drew, in 1940, invented blood plasma and established blood banks around the world.
J.B. Winters invented the fire escape ladder.
John L. Love invented the Pencil sharpener 23- 11-189 Patent # 594114.
Fredrick Jones invented the air conditioner.
John A. Johnson invented the wrench
John Standard invented the refrigerator
Lewis Howard Latimer invented the electric lamp and the filament for the light bulbs.
During 1960s, police were slow to respond to calls for help in the neighbourhood of New York City, because of this Marie Van Brittan Brown invented a system called “Closed-Circuit Television security, it was intended to help people guarantee their own security until the police arrived. She received her patented in 1969, her invention is the mother for all modern CCTV systems used for home security and police work today.
The small Pox Inoculation method was brought from Africa by African named Onesimus
Phillip Downing invented the letter drop mail box 10-27-1892
John Burr invented the Lawn mower
Marjorie Joyner holds the patent for the permanent hair wave machine.
Lloyd Hall created the chemical compound that preserves meat
S.H. Love invented improvements to military guns 22-4-1919
S.H. Love invented improvements to the vending machine 1-21-1933
W.A. Lovette invented the advanced printing press
Thomas J. Martin invented the fire extinguisher 3-261872
W.D. Davis invented the riding saddle 10-6-1895 etc, etc...