23 Aug

By Izazi Team

“Woe to you, experts in the law and you Pharisees, hypocrites! You give a tenth of mint, dill, and cumin, yet you neglect what is more important in the law – justice, mercy, and faithfulness! You should have done these things without neglecting the others. Blind guides! You strain out a fly yet swallow a camel!" – Jesus Christ in the Book of Mark 23: 23-24

The Western 4th Industrial Revolution is here to finish off the little jobs that already exist for human labour with robots. Retrenchments at Eskom, South African Airways, Sibanye Gold mine, the SABC etc. bear testimony to this reality. 

So if you don't get a piece of land large enough to grow crops and livestock immediately, you are an endangered species. The only reason anybody can block Land Expropriation without Compensation in South Africa is because that person wants to starve Black people to death.

This means only land ownership can save Black folks from extinction. But this can only be achieved in the absence of the Western economy for in Zimbabwe it was the Western economy that destroyed Mugabe’s land reform program. As we write, there is only one political party that is currently on the warpath to achieve this milestone with its clear-cut radical economic policies; that’s the ANC.

According to our research; Bosasa scandal was one of many other White Monopoly Capitalists smokescreens they have played as a distraction to the urgency of land reform in South Africa, to keep the ANC and the country focused on trivial issues like government corruption and such nonsense. 

This is to make the dispossessed Black people feel land expropriation will also go stillborn due to ‘corruption’, as the same card was played in Zimbabwe in the 2000s. So it is important for white land thieves to bring the ANC into disrepute, using, amongst several distractions; the Covid-19 corruption scandals. CR17 is their trump card for the accomplishment of this diabolical mission.

If you look closely at all these PPE tender scandals, it is pretty obvious these scandals were premeditated. If you look at the way the script plays out, the dirty players, most of whom belong to this cancerous faction called CR17, planned it way back in advance with their white racist handlers, just to bring the ANC brand into disrepute. 

We sincerely believe ANC Secretary General Ace Magashule’s sons were lured into this scandal deliberately, so that when it finally explodes; there will be a Magashule name involved. In our view, the whole thing is a conspiracy that is aimed at tarnishing Magashule’s name, to bring the name of a man who is obviously the next ANC President into disrepute.  

The return of former Ethekwini Mayor Zandile Gumede in the midst of these PPE scandals as KZN MPL even before she is cleared of her corruption charges by the courts  is no coincident but another example of how the ANC is systematically being brought into disrepute, to drive the point home that the ‘organisation is corrupt to the core’. There is a huge conspiracy out there to blast the ANC into smithereens and ultimate extinction by its infiltrators and their handlers. The code word for this mission is ‘ANC corruption' or 'Covid-19’.

The only logical explanation as to why a billionaire would go to Bossasa for a donation for his Presidential campaigns is to bring the ANC into disrepute deliberately

Another sinister objective here is to deflect the attention of the landless and dispossessed Black people away from demanding land expropriation by fixing everyone’s attention on the old tired, stingless and overplayed song: ‘ANC corruption’.

These days if the mainstream media racket is not singing about ‘ANC corruption’, it is singing about gender based violence. The latter being something we have identified as yet another form of distraction from priority issues by the CIA killers for hire, which we believe are paid to kill women serial-killer style sporadically, like the recently reported incidents in Mthwalume, KwaZulu-Natal.

This is an attempt to turn Black women against Black men to divide Black people along gender lines. If divide and rule through tribalism doesn't work anymore, let us start a gender war. Another form of a divide and rule strategy. The white racist’s fear right now is the unity of the Black folk. 53 million Black people united against 6 million white people in South Africa is the worst nightmare for White Monopoly Capitalists, who are worried sick about imminent Land Expropriation without Compensation.

The rule here is simple for the  women killers for hire. When they hire you, the cardinal rule for you is never by any chance to get caught or else you will die in police custody, so that the truth about who paid you to rape and kill all these women never comes out in court. 

The modus operandi here is to sell these killings as gender hate violence, to justify these widespread ‘men are trash’ campaigns so that the real motive behind these politically motivated crimes against women remain distorted. The ever-lying mainstream media, which enjoys a monopoly on the official storyline about these sinister killings, is paid to keep on selling this genocide as ‘gender based violence’, even though they know very well there is a third force involved.

It is important for South Africa’s economically dominant white minority to throw the majority of poor Black people into confusion and possibly Black on Black civil war. This is the only way they can continue to freely exploit the country’s economy. 

As we have stated before in our analysis; white racists in South Africa are very desperate for a Black on Black violence, for it is the same strategy they used as a minority during the apartheid oppression to control the majority of Black people. They have even gone as far as killing certain ANC leaders and taxi owners in KZN, but most unfortunately for them, Black people are not as easily politically exploitable as they were during apartheid South Africa.

In fact the situation the ANC finds itself in now was conceived way back in the 50s by the Oppenheimers in a free market project called capitalism that they tried selling to the National Party government without success in the 60s. Former South African Prime Minister at a time Hendrik Verwoerd rejected this project as something that would plunge the country into more poverty crisis than South Africa was already battling under the dreaded policy of apartheid. Like Chris Hani who rejected this policy at the Codesa table, Verwoerd was also assassinated.

The white racist White Monopoly Capitalists behind this diabolical scheme who corrupt Black politicians today have taken new shapes in the form of consulting agencies, NGO founders, outsourced production and engineering companies overcharging the State Owned Enterprises. The same way author John Perkins explains their modus operandi in the book Confessions of an Economic Hitman about how they use debt as leverage to collapse developing economies.

Our research has also made a shocking discovery that the same cabal has a database of millions of Black people who are not employable in South Africa and some neighbouring countries for an array of stupid reasons that are explained in coded messages.

Every white employer is most likely in possession of these blacklisted names which we believe are red flagged because perhaps in a fit of rage the black worker said nx! or argh to a white or Indian racist to earn themselves a lifetime job embargo. Perhaps as a black worker you would be flagged merely for refusing to have your name used fraudulently in a BEE deal by a white owned company that wants to steal from the Black government through fronting.

So if you keep on applying with all the necessary skills and qualifications yet no employer wants to touch you; you might be one of millions of blacklisted Black people in their database who will never find work in their entire life. This means you are not aware that you’ll never work anywhere in South Africa and some neighbouring countries whose industries are controlled by the White Monopoly Capital because you have talked back to a white or Indian employer.

The Economic Hitmen’s objectives are to create an environment of corruption in the public sector to use it as leverage to convince Black masses that the apartheid government was better than democracy.

An illusion they are creating here is: “The private sector is free of corruption because it is in the ‘holy’ hands of white people, so give a white government a vote to see clean governance in the public sector”, to trick you into officially voting for an apartheid government in the form of a DA coalition when the underlying agenda here is that it is the private sector that is more corrupt than the public sector. 

To this day every time the apartheid media speaks about corruption it speaks about money lost in government, but we all know the biggest corruption that ever happened in South Africa was the theft of land from Black people by White colonist.

No wonder 100% of the names that are accused of stealing money in the public sector, from Municipality Managers to Director Generals are products of white established Universities who are today touted as ‘qualified academics’. In other words it is white racists that train Blacks for corruption, only to turn everything around and say: “Look at them Black people, they are stealing from you. That’s why you are poor and unemployed. Give a white government a chance.”

Yet they don’t tell you that you are not working because you are blacklisted in their own ‘Unemployable Blacks’ databases. They are not telling you that you are unemployed because they bribe border patrols to smuggle cheap labour in the form of illegal immigrants to make killer profits. You are not working because the Western economy and its capitalism is collapsing everywhere.

Proof is Britain’s exit from the European Union and a surge of civil protests that swept across Europe in the form of Yellow Jackets. The Yellow Jackets were ordinary workers who were protesting the same border trafficking of cheap migrant labour by local capitalists who were preferring to employ foreigners to make more profits at the citizens’ expense. If Britain is walking away from the EU for the same reasons of failed capitalism; what is South Africa waiting for to dump the Western capitalist system that has failed the country for the past 25 years?

The White Monopoly Capital is not telling you that they caused all these economic crisis you hear about in Zimbabwe and Malawi so that they can make use of these desperate migrants from these respective countries as cheap labour in South Africa while they blame Robert Mugabe, their scapegoat, for giving Zimbabweans true freedom of land ownership. Land ownership that the hostile Western economy made sure it doesn’t become feasible in Zim. 

That is why it is important to make your neighbouring country’s problems your own because the economic crisis that Western imperialist start in Zim will directly or indirectly impact all SADC countries and beyond.

True freedom of land ownership lies outside the Western economy. The problem with the aforementioned countries like Zimbabwe is that when Mugabe introduced a land reform programme, he didn’t replace everything completely with a new user-friendly economy like BRICS; the only socialist economy that is land redistribution compliant.

There is no way you can free Black people from poverty or redistribute land successfully in the presence of the Western economy in your country. It is the remnants of Western agents in Zimbabwe that hampered the progress of land reform in that country.

As Globalresearch.ca discovered; the West makes sure the program does not become successful by working against its very own existence using its NGOs and proxies to badmouth the country's land reform program. While Mugabe was building one side; the Western proxies were dismantling the other side by badmouthing Zimbabwe’s land reform to cut out all necessary resources for the successful implementation.

Mugabe tried to mix fat with water. Mixed economy would never work for Land Reform programmes anywhere in Africa because the West cannot stand competition. It thrives on monopolising everything in a country it exploits. 

That’s why the West freezed the assets of the Gupta brothers in South Africa, who are doing well in Dubai and India as we speak, because they were putting White Monopoly Capitalists into a competition and winning the chess game. So all kinds of smear campaigns were created to turn them against gullible South Africans because they were exposing the weaknesses of the White Monopoly Capital and proving how good BRICS economy would be for the country.

The West knows land expropriation would spell the end of Black factory slavery in Africa. Who needs a job, a city, a supermarket or a mall when they can produce their own food in their own land? Land ownership is complete freedom from white slavery and factories and malls are the only things that keep Western slavery humming along in the continent.

To keep Black people in Africa psychologically cruising on false hope; they keep selling this hype about non-existant new economies arising after Covid-19 while keeping you in the dark about how 4IR is phasing out human labour with robotics. In South Africa the last people to be liberated will be those living in the cities because their confined spaces force them to survive through factory jobs. City slickers have no other means of survival now that 4IR and robotics are replacing them in the factories as unpaid labour!

“I could have freed more slaves, only if they knew they were slaves”, said Harriet Tubman, a woman who liberated other Black slaves in US.  Even when Harriet told those who refused to be saved from slavery that it is better to own a plantation than to work in it for a white master, they couldn’t understand her because they couldn’t figure out that there is no difference between a slave and a worker.  

The slave used to work for shelter and food, and the worker is still working for the same thing, but the only insignificant difference today is that the worker earns a pay check and has a choice to live a short distance away from the master’s house.

These are the people who do not understand that the word worker is a modernised substitute for the word slave. Yesterday’s slaves lived in a master’s farm and were paid with food and clothing.  Of course they did not earn pieces of paper called money or salaries for a living but they were not different from a slave who today thinks he is free because he sleeps in a house owned by the bank and drives a car that is also owned by a bank.

What today’s slave called a worker fails to understand is that the bankers are the same slave masters who owned him in a plantation before, whose name today has euphemistically become a banker, the same way a slave of this day has become conveniently called a worker. It’s like thinking that calling the devil Lucifer is better than calling him Satan.

In fact, 4th Industrial Revolution is not as new as they are widely speculating. Look at how many movies today have cartoon characters. The Lion King for example was a box office hit without a single human character in it. 

For more than 20 years now; in the US for example, now citizens go into a gas station and pay at the window for the amount of petrol they want to fill in their car. The gas station minder programs the fuel tank metre to let you pour the amount of gas you want, walk to the tank by yourself, fill the car and go. Petrol attendant’s job is gone. This is the 4th Industrial Revolution at work already. Machine replaces you as human labour and the next thing you know something called a Corona virus is unleashed. Do you think this is a coincident? What do you think the 4IR is here to accomplish, if not to depopulate you.

For example, if you go to an ATM and punch certain numbers to get a required sum of money and the machine pays exactly what you commanded it to give you; don’t you think this is 4th Industrial Revolution? For how long have the ATM machines existed without you realising that the 4th Industrial Revolution is already here. Have you stopped to think how many people would be employed by the banks to dispense money were ATM machines not in existence? What happened to the wrist-watch manufacturers when cell phones arrived?

The fact that ATM machines today can transfer money from a sender to a recipient instead of a human teller doing this job in a bank tells you how less needed you are by Industrialists. The industrialists have something else that can do your job without complaining about long hours and salary increases, going on sick or maternity leave or bunking work from time to time because of some hangover or something. And to this day you still wonder why you die of food poisoning called Covid-19? 

If you don’t start eating the rich now, be aware the rich have started eating you already! The rich are already eating you and you don’t see it because you still worship them, when the source of all your economic ills, from landlessness to unemployment, homelessness to poverty is thanks to their own greediness. In case you didn’t know now you must know - here is a mathematical truth; if there were no rich people in the world, there wouldn’t be poor people in the world! So rich people are the source of your social ills but you still admire them, don't you! Why?

In this corruption this, corruption that campaign; in South Africa their main target is an ANC politician that they would sell a BEE deal that looks legit on the surface but in reality it’s a window-dressed corporate fraud. 

Their Public Relations accomplice in this conspiracy is Stratcom (Strategic Communications), or what you know as mainstream media, this bunch of apartheid media houses whose unscrupulous journalists owe their existence and professions to the apartheid government and White Monopoly Capitalists bursaries. Worthless scoundrels who wouldn’t think twice lying about their own mothers for a salary. Their job in South Africa is to spread fake news about liberators, while covering up for the White Monopoly Capitalist thieves and their BEE foot soldiers.

The main target of these smear campaigns here is always a liberation fighter who must now lose his struggle credentials and social status so that Black people who used to respect him suddenly forget about his political sacrifices. This end must justify a bogeyman aura that must now follow this liberator around like a dark cloud over his head until he or her popularity fades away completely. They did this for years with the Mother of the Nation Winnie Mandela, her husband Nelson Mandela and now it’s former President Jacob Zuma.

Imagine a witch putting layers of makeup in order to make herself look angelic in the eyes of the public she has been bewitching for 350 years. This corruption noise is a pathetic attempt by apartheid mass genocide murderers and thieves who are now plastering their ugly faces with layers of make-up to make themselves look like some paragons of virtue in the eyes of blind and gullible Black people.

You don’t need to be too smart to read between the lines of this freak show. Just take a look at their own Black cheerleaders, they are a bunch of miseducated dimwits who wouldn’t tell a difference between a birth canal and an anus.

In case you have forgotten; it was Stratcom at play, otherwise known as apartheid media that called Nelson Mandela a terrorist for years during the days he was fighting for black people’s liberation. As if that was not enough; today they use their agents to spread false rumours that Mandela sold out black people during Codesa. 

But the unspoken truth is that everything that was signed during Codesa was not a lifetime contract, most of it were Sunset Clauses meant to last about 5 years into democracy, a makeshift compromise to make even hardcore racists feel at home in the new South Africa. So the narrative that Mandela sold out is misplaced.

Sunset Clauses were a mere threshold into the new dispensation to avoid unnecessary bloodshed that was hampering inroads into new South Africa. There is nowhere Mandela signed on the dotted line that white land thieves should still unashamedly occupy stolen land 25 years into democracy.

Still untransformed and scheming as ever; the same shady journalists that character assassinated the ANC activists by calling them terrorists in that dark era of apartheid oppression are still the same faces running the Stratcom show today. Today they act as whistle blowers on corruption when in all likelihood they are blinkered liars who cover up for white private sector thieves in return for that lucrative advertising deal or a salary hike if they are news editors.

It takes two to tango, but all the time you hear about corruption in the mainstream media you are told about a Black government official. But all the time the PFMA Act demands that the government should outsource it services. This means government is doing business with the private sector, thanks to capitalism and privatisation that the National Party forced down the throat of the ANC at the Codesa table as one of several conditions for a negotiated settlement. So why no mention of these private sector thieves in corruption scandals? 

They are not mentioned because they are white people and whites have a license to steal in South Africa and get away with murder. The aim here is to create an impression that only Black people can steal in this evil world! 

Ever wondered why newspapers would run news stories for free but charge about half a million rand for a full page corporate advert? One hand washes the other here. I sit on your scandal as a white thief, you pay me handsomely for keeping my pie hole shut.

After unwittingly falling into this trap as a black sucker you are told to cooperate with the hairy hand of the White Monopoly Capital agenda; failing which Stratcom would be now unleashed upon you to strip you naked in the court of public opinion with one scandal after another.

Malusi Gigaba refused to let the Oppenheimers capture South African Airways with his signature and the next thing that happened to him was the circulation of his nude pictures on Social Media. Izazi Team do believe Gigaba’s version that his cell phone was hacked to acquire that sexual content. But did Stratcom care to entertain the fact that his device was hacked? No. All they cared about was to impress the Oppenheimers who own them because the goal was to bring down Gigaba by hook or crook for denying a white family State Capture of SAA.

If you want to stay safe from hacking use two cell phones or computers. One gadget; (which should never be connected to the internet) for the storage of your sensitive stuff and another (without sensitive material) for internet use. Don’t use Whatsapp, Facebook or emails to share explicit content. Ever since Whatsapp was bought by Facebook; it is now also used as a spyware. 

Our research discovered that this is how the White Monopoly Capital recruited Julius Malema from the ANC Youth League to form EFF following the Ratanang Family Trust and On Point Engineering scandal. After finding you wanting somewhere in terms of legal challenges; these wolves would descend on you like tons of bricks; FBI style to promise you a long jail sentence if you don’t cut a deal with them.

Failing which you’ll be guaranteed endless court prosecutions that will first strip you of everything you have before you get draped in orange prison uniforms as a prisoner. That’s why they vouched for capitalism and privatisation as the ANC government policy, they were creating an environment of corruption so that they would come back and use its dire consequences against ANC officials and blackmail them into submission or force them to betray each other to escape imprisonment.

This is what they did before corrupting the South African judicial system. They stole computer hard drives in Chief Justice Mogoeng Mogoeng’s offices that had every judge’s skeleton in the closet. In this fashion they came to know which cases were sold by judges and bought by criminals.

After the deal is cut; the new political recruitee’s assignment is now to become an eye and an ear of the enemy within the ANC structures. To disrupt every progress the Mass Democratic Movement is making in changing people’s lives with petty arguments in structural meetings and conferences to break up the organisation from within.

After being captured; Malema did the same thing by turning the ANCYL against former President Jacob Zuma towards the Mangaung National Conference in 2012; selling the nationalisation of mines at a time BRICS economy was not yet fully established as an alternative to the World Bank.

As BRICS Development Bank was still under construction at a time and scheduled to be officially launched the following year in 2013; the White Monopoly Capital used this opportunity to make Zuma look bad to the ANC and the country through Malema.

If Zuma had succumbed to this infeasible demand by Malema at that time and nationalised the mines; the rand would have fallen flat instantly without a fall back alternative like the Development Bank to assist the ANC government to start a new currency. This would make Zuma’s administration look like a joke. On top of this anomaly, Nationalisation of Mines was not yet a policy of the ANC adopted by Branches, so as to how Malema expected Zuma to implement a policy that was not yet adopted by a National Conference is a mystery.

The timing of Malema’s mission by his handlers before Mangaung 2012 was to make Zuma look very bad to the ANC delegates at the conference as a leader who was opposed to the implementation of the Nationalisation of Mines; so that the delegates would immediately replace him with Kgalema Motlante.

The same Motlante who before 2019 elections was preaching that the ANC should lose elections! It is obvious Malema’s new white handlers had told him already that Motlante was their own man inside the ANC. So Malema’s mission was now to make sure Zuma serves only one term to let Motlante help the enemy destroy the ANC much earlier than their set period Helen Zille had declared as 2024.

If your memory serves you well; you’ll remember that round about this time Malema was already preaching to the media that Zuma should only serve a single term; a White Monopoly Capital agenda that was being pushed through his captured mouth to avenge Mbeki’s early exit in Polokwane in 2007.  It was Premier of the Free State Ace Magashule who stood his ground and questioned Malema’s about-face rhetoric.

Malema’s opportunistic advantage here was that an ordinary person would not realise then why Zuma could not nationalise the mines back then as no policy of the ANC at a time allowed him to do so and the rand would fall and die in his hands without an alternative economy in existence to assist the ANC government rebuild the economy since BRICS was still under construction.

It is the same problem that dampened Mugabe’s land reform programme in Zimbabwe. When the West killed the Zim dollar; they pulled out their own resources and there was no alternative economy to run to. But now that South Africa has BRICS; there is no reason for the country to be held at economic ransom by the West.

South Africa can burn down all Western markets today and in a split second BRICS would step in and build a new economy; which can not now rely too much on industrialisation and urbanisation slavery like the Western economy was but be based on agrarian reforms and land ownership. This is the only way the ANC can completely liberate black people from Western slavery.

By manipulating people like this through Malema; especially the youth that ended up blindly following him to form that MI6 project called EFF in 2013; it was easy to fool young people because most of them are not steeped in the nuances of how economy works.

More than anything else the White Monopoly Capital here wanted to prove to all and sundry that Zuma was not fit to govern by trying to set him up for failure using Malema. After this dismal failure to remove Zuma prematurely in Mangaung in 2012; the following year, under the same conspiracy, the South African banks would go on to manipulate the rand and weaken it to make Zuma's administration look ugly.

Maria Ramos recently admitted that her own bank ABSA played a huge role in this scheme of rand manipulation. White racists causing the country all economic ills to make a Black government look like a disaster because the man leading it at a time is the same man who participated in the battle of Cuito Canavalle; where the apartheid government soldiers, who were predominantly white were snuffed out in numbers and defeated.

To this day Stratcom has not apologised to the nation for lying about the causes of the rand illness in 2013 that its journalists repeatedly blamed on “Zuma’s poor administration’ to mislead the nation. How could they blame their bosses who bribe them with advertising revenue to turn a blind eye to their crimes?

In the same fashion it is highly likely that Bret Kebble’s death was also conveniently manufactured after he had accomplished his mission to put pro-Zuma ANCYL firebrands into disrepute through that Chancellor House scandal. This explains how formerly pro-Zuma ANC Youth League leaders of the time; the class of Fikile Mbalula, Sihle Zikalala and Zizi Kodwa ended up on Ramaphosa’s side in 2017 - serving the interests of the White Monopoly Capital agenda against Zuma today.

During the ANC’s leadership race to Nasrec; City Press published an article where it said Zweli Mkhize, a Ramaphosa ally towards Nasrec was in and out of KwaZulu-Natal recruiting senior ANC leaders for CR17 slate and winning because ‘he knew a lot about their corrupt activities”. Is this not the same modus operandi the CIA used during apartheid to recruit apartheid spies for the apartheid government - through an old familiar line: “I know what you did last summer!”

We also made some research into few individuals who were targeted by these CIA fronts operating as regular companies merely because they don’t conform to the CIA’s Washington agenda for the return of a white government to power in South Africa.

For example; Linda Sibiya, a popular former Ukhozi FM presenter was recently acquitted of the manufactured fraud charges laid against him by SABC and Edcon about 5 years ago. Spurious allegations similar to the ones Angelo Agrizzi is making at the Zondo Commission cost him his job back in 2015 with the radio station long before he even appeared in a court of law.

Sibiya was accused of using the SABC brand for his own private benefit by ‘defrauding’ Edcon, in what in our view was nothing else but a set-up to get him off-air by hook or crook because he was one of the pro-Radical Economic Transformation commentators on what was touted as the biggest radio station in South Africa back then.

This was not in sync with the pro-Ramaphosa Nasrec 2017 agenda which was already on the roll. The same anti-Zuma vilifying agenda that the apartheid media was already agitating to reduce Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma’s support against Ramaphosa in the oncoming ANC National Conference in Nasrec. 

It is not clear why Ukhozi FM has not reinstated Sibiya so far following his acquittal a few years back but Izazi Team believes the same dark forces that took him off-air under questionable circumstances are still nervous about Ramaphosa’s fate at the next ANC NGC. So they still want to keep their propagandist agenda team on-air at Ukhozi FM, in case.

Another Ukhozi FM presenter who was lured into the same trap and dismissed the same way is Vukani ‘Chilli M’ Masinga. He was accused of accepting payola following allegations that a certain music promoter had paid him some money for the promotion of his material on the radio station. 

As is the tradition with the apartheid media smear campaigns; the name of the alleged corrupter was conveniently kept under wraps. But it is highly likely that the corrupter is still doing business with SABC as we speak.  The same way white owned companies in South Africa get away with crimes every time they get implicated in corrupting black politicians.

As we said before, where crime is involved it takes two to tango. A thief and a buyer are both equally guilty of crime. A thief can not even begin to steal without an available buyer of stolen goods, the latter, a corrupter, most often than not being a ringleader and instigator of criminal activity.

But not in the books of the apartheid media/Stratcom reporting, the National Prosecuting Authority shenanigans and the South African judicial system. In their books ‘corruption’ starts and ends with a black corruptee. The black victim becomes a referee and a player at the crime scene and if by any chance a white name pops up in the corruption scandal; the name of the whole ball game suddenly changes semantically from corruption into collusion to make the crime look less severe.

Just take a look at how little mention is made of Gavin Watson against the backdrop of many black politicians whose names are sprayed all over the front pages of the Stratcom newspapers, radio and TV talk shows about the so called Bossasa corruption. Some of these black politicians have been threatened with exclusion from a parliamentary list on the bases of these untested allegations by a self-confessed racist white thief called Angelo Agrizzi!

As a cherry on top; Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo doesn’t miss an opportunity in the Commission to call this white self-confessed racist thief a Mr! Snuki Zikalala; the so called MKMVA spokesperson also threw his weight behind the racist thief by calling for the immediate removal of implicated ANC officials from the parliamentary list even before Agrizzi is cross-examined by the accused to test the validity of his allegations!

In Masinga’s case we were told the incident between him and his corrupter was recorded and presented as evidence to Ukhozi FM management before his sacking. The question is who recorded it? Was it not a corrupter, who was hired to do so as a set up? Was the corrupter in this regard not wired with cameras and used as a decoy to trap Masinga by the CIA who wanted him out of Ukhozi FM by hook or crook? Because Masinga was also not ashamed of praising ANC liberators like Jacob Zuma on air!

This was not the first time the apartheid agents had pulled the same stunt in a democracy. Two big corporations in South Africa namely Rand Water and Express Services (XPS) decided to get rid of permanently employed staff in their employ in the mid to late 90s in the same fashion to replace them with exploitable casual labour.

The modus operandi used to get rid of these workers in this regard was theft by enticement. The White Monopoly Capital industry would rather hire a less skilled individual than keep a non-conformist yet competent darkie in their employ. Thanks to this attitude; Ukhozi FM lost millions of listeners following Linda Sibiya and Vukani Masinga’s departure.

According to a reliable source and victim at the Rand Water car mechanic workshop in Swartkoptjies; the management there recklessly left car parts lying around without visible CCTV cameras deliberately so as to tempt their long serving workers into committing theft to force them into early retirement. This was at a time when the White Monopoly Capital was looking for cheap exploitable labour to outsource via the labour brokering system.

To make this refurbished model of modern slavery look less evil; White Monopoly Capital start from this point looking for BEE partners.  What you might as well call black slavers to justify this crime against humanity. When these companies start facing demonstrations about their prejudicial labour practices; they use these BEE faces as their fronts and spokespersons to speak to the media to hide this racism.

Arrangements were made with undercover agents to pose as buyers of these stolen goods and record everything during the transactions. The source; who is one of the sacked employees says every time he met these agents in their rendezvous in Faraday, Johannesburg, the decoy always insisted on counting the money on top of the dashboard of his car; something he realised later it was to give the hidden cameras in his car a vantage point. Many of these black workers lost their jobs as a result and some allegedly committed suicide afterwards while others suffered incapacitating strokes.

Before these workers were fired; they were summoned into disciplinary hearings where they were asked whether they knew anything about the loss of some company property that had gone missing in their workshop. After that they were shown videos of goods being stolen and later being sold to buyers as evidence.

Setting up workers to commit theft is a criminal offence; but Rand Water and XPS got away with it and Izazi Team have it on record that many other big companies in South Africa used this strategy to force their permanently employed workers into early retirement to replace them with casual labour in the 90s.

To this day this economic terrorism by White Monopoly Capital continues unabated and workers have no recourse because many Trade Unions are in bed with employers and the judicial system is not fair to Black people.

It is White Monopoly Capital agents who would approach these innocent workers as private buyers looking for merchandise they knew very well from the company bosses information that they could easily take away at will and sell them. These agents dangled handsome cash pay-outs to unsuspecting workers in return. According to the source; some of these car parts they were trapped to steal were used spares; something they thought was only awaiting trashcan pickers to get rid of; replacements removed during a car service that could still be reused.

All these companies had to do was to create an environment of theft inside their companies to find an excuse to find workers guilty of theft and expel them without the hassle and bustle of the Trade Union protest or CCMA cases. How could workers deny their crimes after they were shown footages of evidence following a set up to steal? Does this sound different from the way the White Monopoly Capital corrupts black politicians in the public sector?

According to a reliable source; between 1997 and 1998 Express Services, a courier services and logistics company based in Jet Park, Boksburg used the same modus operandi to get rid of its permanent staff to replace them with casual labour. The top management in this company allegedly trapped many permanently employed workers with theft so that the company would find an easy way out of paying permanent staff perks and 13th cheques to replace them with exploitable casual labour. The victims; mostly permanently employed drivers and their assistants were; like Vukani Masinga also recorded unaware during these illicit transactions with the ‘buyers’.

According to the source; sometimes the driver and his assistant would find an extra consignment in their delivery vehicle which would not appear registered in the invoice. Sometimes these would be small boxes with 30 brand new cell phones inside worth about R35 000 - R40 000. The theft of these ‘stray’ boxes would force many of them into early retirement like those workers at Rand Water.

This is how white racists corrupt Black people the same way the snake tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden to make Adam fall into sin. Stratcom is always on standby to turn the whole thing around and make it look like it is all Black people’s fault to make white racist corrupters look innocent.

Stratcom is a corrupt White Monopoly Capital’s loudspeaker that let Black people suffer in silence by denying them a media platform to tell their own side of the story. That’s why Stratcom in collusion with White Monopoly Capital have brought down such 100% owned Black media houses like ANN7, Siyazazi Media, Ndalo Media and This Day. They need to monopolise dissemination of information to make themselves sound plausible.

It becomes clear now how the White Monopoly Capital recruited what is known as Clever Blacks (a Black version of a Broederbond) to play the role of apartheid spies inside the African National Congress. Offering enticing illicit deals with many invisible strings attached that will tie them into their corrupt ways their entire life as a leash to keep them under control.

The fact that Sibiya eventually won the case against Edcon and UKhozi FM in the end proves that the aim here was just to create a cloud over his head, first to destroy his reputation before getting him out of the way so that he would lose his job with SABC in the end. The third step is to bankrupt the victim so that it would become virtually impossible for them to afford a top lawyer to contest the case in the court of law.

During the cloud hanging process; if you are a President of the country like Jacob Zuma you will be impeached or recalled over these mere rumours of impropriety; only for you to win the case maybe 5 years or so later. Indeed; from the onset you were not guilty of anything at all but all they wanted was your immediate removal from a strategic position you were holding that posed a great threat to their political agenda.

Zama Ngcobo was also removed the same way from Ukhozi FM for his vocal support for former President Jacob Zuma through a rented crowd of EFF members who staged a protest against her outside the premises of Ukhozi FM, accusing her of hate speech against their leader Julius Malema.

Zama Ngcobo - People have lost their jobs and businesses in this ongoing fierce battle for the soul of South Africa

So a few years later the courts of law can now conveniently acquit you because the sinister agenda has been achieved. In the same way; Zuma was standing in the way of the Renewable Energy deal worth R1.4 trillion that was to benefit certain aristocracies like the Oppenheimers, Ramaphosas, Radebes and Motsepes in the savagery sale of the country’s SoEs like Eskom after the Nasrec Conference.

No wonder Ramaphosa could not await his official turn to occupy the Union Buildings like Zuma did by letting Motlante stand in for him in 2008 following Mbeki’s recall. Former Chairperson of SCOPA Themba Godi told news 24 recently that Eskom’s load shedding woes are all about the privatisation of the parastatal; nothing else. Owing to these sinister manoeuvres; Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma ‘lost’ in Nasrec and the man they wanted in power by hook or crook is in charge of the ANC and the country now.

Same applies to Siyazazi Media. Somehow they had picked wind that the media house is pro-Radical Economic Transformation in its agenda; so by hook or crook it had to be rendered stillborn in 2017. They wouldn’t have achieved this Ramaphosa agenda without the help of those who sold out former President Jacob Zuma in the ANC KZN PEC, SABC, IFP agents, two magistrates in Pietermaritzburg; one white and another Indian who made sure that Toyota and Ukuphila Wellness Centre got away with advertising debts owed to ezaseMsinga Newspaper.